Starlink has not applied for operating license: Potraz

Despite ongoing issues with Starlink, the Postal and Telecommunications Regulatory Authority of Zimbabwe (Potraz) has stated that the company has not applied for an operating license in the country. This comes as rumors circulate that the government intends to block Starlink from operating in Zimbabwe.

During a consumer awareness campaign held in Chikomba West constituency over the weekend, Potraz deputy director of economics tariffs and competition Vengesai Magadzire stated that the nation should know that Starlink has yet to submit an application for a license to operate in Zimbabwe, despite claims that it is providing internet service in the country. Potraz, the telecommunications regulator, is responsible for reviewing and approving all license applications and will take the appropriate action once Starlink's application is received.

ICT minister Tatenda Mavetere recently announced that Starlink had indicated to Potraz that it was interested in coming to operate in Zimbabwe.

Despite the fact that Starlink is not licensed to operate in Zimbabwe, some individuals and businesses are already using its services illegally. In the Manyame Rural District Council, under the Chikomba West constituency, Alderman Mufakwadziya has raised concerns about poor internet service, which he says does not align with the government's Vision 2030 goals.

“We are happy to receive the government and their partners as they teach consumers about their rights; however, network service providers like NetOne and Econet are letting us down. We have no network at all. It is so disappointing to buy weekly data bundles that you won’t use because of the zero network. Consumers should be protected on this note and educated on what they should do in such situations. It’s difficult to buy using electronic payment because of the poor network,” he said.

According to CCZ director Philemon Chereni, "In terms of complaints, we encourage service providers to establish internal mechanisms to resolve disputes between themselves and consumers. If they are unable to do so, they are free to approach the CCZ for alternative dispute resolution, and we will do our best to assist."

In a recent case, a Chinese mining company based in Guruve was fined US$700 by a magistrate in Bindura for illegally using Starlink's internet services. This sends a strong message that using unlicensed internet services will not be tolerated in Zimbabwe.




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